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common logo - 张振兴伉俪书院

天主教 喇沙會 張振興伉儷書院 CHONG GENE HANG COLLEGE (Conducted by the De La Salle Brothers) 周年校務計劃 2014 - 2015 2014 - 2015 2014 - 2015 12 Cheung Man Road, Chai Wan, HK Tel: Fax: .hk ASP (2014/2015) ASP (2014/2015) ii Contents Contents A. School Mission and School Vision 1 - 2 B. The Lasallian Spirit and the Star of Faith 3 - 4 C. The Incorporated Management Committee and the School Administration Advisory Board 5 D. School Development Plan (2012-15)6 - 10 E. Major Concerns for 2014-15 1. To promote values education among students 11 - 17 2. To enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching through teacher professional development 18 - 26 F. Plan on the use of Capacity Enhancement Grant 27 - 28 G. Programme Plans: Non-Curricular programme plans 1. Career and Life Planning 29 - 36 2. Moral Civic Education 37 - 40 3. Computer-Assisted Learning Room (CAL) 41 4. Counselling Guidance 42 - 44 5. Discipline 45 - 46 6. e-Class 47 - 48


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