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21 4 JOU RNAL OF NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF DEFENSE T ECHNOLOGY Vol. 21 No. 4 1999 X 陆 军 王润生 ( ATR 410073) : , , ; , , , , , 94 TN Methods of Muti-thresholding Based on Scale Space Theory Lu JunWang Runsheng ( AT R Lab, NUDT , Changsha, 410073) Abstract Based on scale space theory, tw omethods for muti-thresholding are put forth in this paper. One of them consists of three main steps: first, the scale space representations are derived from finer level t ocoarser level; then, the locations of structures are corrected from coarser level t ofiner level; finally, the thresholds are derived from the lifetime of structures. T he other method finds the structures at a coarser scale, and then focus on finest scale step by step t oderive the thresholds. Experiments show that new ways are effective and robust. Key words image segmentation, scale space, muti-thresholding , , , Kapur[ 1] Li Lee[ 2] , , , , , , , , , , ( ) - [ 4] , , 1 ; ( ) [35] : : f Z Z , : 0+ : I Z R R X 1999 1 11 : , , 1970 , 19994 56 + I ( n , t) = H ( n , t)* f = h( l , t )f ( n - l ) ( 1) l= - I ( n, 0)= f , t R 0+ , H ( n, t ) , 2 2. 1 1( ) : ( ) ( ) : , , , { t0 , t 1 , t2, , tm }


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