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F eb12007 # 40# A erospace Contro l V o l125, No. 1 , 210016 针对一类俯仰轴负向安装有偏置动量轮的重力梯度稳定的三轴主动磁 控微小卫 , 在分析其数学模型的基础上, 将俯仰通道与滚动- 偏航通道解耦, 分别给出了仅用磁强计测量数据确定各通道姿态的卡尔曼滤波算法并进 一步 分析了滤波系统模型的周期性, 探讨了实现周期滤波增益的可行性最后通过 仿真算例验证了该滤波算法的有效性以及采用周期滤波增益的可行性 微小卫 ; 姿态确定; 卡尔曼滤波; 周期滤波增益 : V44 8. 2 : A : 1006-3242( 2007 0 1-0040-06 A Simplified Filtering Algorithm for Satellite Attitude Determ ination withM agnetom eter-only X ie X ianghua Jiang Changsheng Zhu Q iufang Co llege of A utom ation Eng ineering, N anjing Un iversity o f A eronaut ics and A stronautics, N anjing 210016, Ch ina Abstract A gravity gradient stabilized, three-axis activemagnetic controlm icro-satellitew ith ap itchmo- m entum wheelf ixed on the negativep itch axis is considered in thispaper. Based on the analysis of itsmath mode,l thep itch channel is decoup ledf rom the roll-yaw channeland the K alm anf iltering algorithm f or atti- tude determ ination only using magnetometer data isproposedf or each channe.l Further, thep eriodicity of thef iltering system model is analyzed and thef easibility to realizep eriodicf iltering gain isdiscussed. Final- ly, the validity of thef iltering algorithm and thef easibility of thep eriodicf iltering gain aredemonstrated u- sing a simulation examp le. K ey words M icro-satellite; Attitudedeterm ination; Ka lm anf ilter; eriodicf ilter gain , , , ,


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