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1999 11 ENVIRONMENTA L SCIENCE Nov. , 1999 -* 1 2 3 1 王镇浦 吴 宏  高秀平  陈国松 ( 1. , 210009, - : @ . ; 2. ; 3. ) E m ail z puw ang jlonline com -(BA-P) . BA-P pH 6. 2 NaH PO -NaOH -T , 2 4 max 580 . 0. 020. 90 / - , 0. 003 / , nm mg L CN mg L 30 / . , , . , . , , , , . Reversed Phase Flow Inj ection-Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Cyanides in Water Wang Z enpuWu Hong Gao Xiuping C en Guosong (Dept. of Applied C em. , Nanjing Univ. of C emical Tec , Nanjing 210009, C inaE -mail: z puw ang@ jlonline. com) - ( - ) - - Abstract Barbituric acid pyridine BA P reversed p ase flow injection spectrop otom etric determination of traces of easily liberated cyanides and total inorganic cyanides including t e former and complexes cyanides in w ater was studied. BA-P solution was injected into t e m ixed flow of pH 6. 2 NaH PO -NaOH buffer solut ion, 2 4 c roramine-T solution and pre-distilled w ater sample. Bluis violet polymet ylene dye formed by t e reactions - w as spectrop otometrically detected at 580nm. T e linear range is 0.02 to 0. 90 mg/ L CN w it t e det ec- max 0. 003 / 30 . tion lim it of mg L and t e determination frequency of times per our T is met od as ig sensitivi- , . ty bett er selectivit y and fast analyt ical speed


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