ARM 手持式仪器核心模块的设计与实现 - 南京师范大学图书馆电子.PDF

ARM 手持式仪器核心模块的设计与实现 - 南京师范大学图书馆电子.PDF

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ARM 手持式仪器核心模块的设计与实现 - 南京师范大学图书馆电子

AR , ARM D esign and R ealizat ion of Core M odu le of ARM H andheld Instrum en t ( 南京师范大学物理科学与技术学院江苏省光电技术实验室, 江苏 南京 210 097) ARM CPU ( S3C44B0XX ) SDRAM (H Y57V641620H G) F lash ( 28F320C3BA 100); 16 -A /D AD7706 ; 160 160 LCD CH452 ; 6; , ARM AD7706 LCD TP301 A Abstract: T he d esign and rea lization of the hardw are and so fwt are for corem odu le of th e handhe ld instrum ent based on ARM em bedded system are introduced. T he basic system of th e handhe ld instrum ent is com posed o f the em bedded CPU ( S3C44B0XX ) , SDRAM (H Y57V 641620HG ) and F lash( 28F320C 3BA 100) ; th e 16 b it-A / D converter AD7706 is the m ajor m easu ring part; and th e 160 160 p ixe l LCD graph ic d isp lay and CH452 k eyboard c ircu it w ork for m an m ach in e conversat ion. Six of th e low consum p tion h igh reliab le p ow er supp l ies have b een d esigned w ith ded icated p ow er ch ip; and gen era l funct ions are d esigned for co re m odu le. B oth th e hardw are and softw are of th em odu le are versat ile; the m odu le has been u sed in h andh eld inte lligent illum inom eter. Keywords: H andhe ld in strum ent ARM Em bedded system AD7706 LCD graph ic d isp lay 66 MH z, 2 M B F lash 8 M B 0 [ 2] SDRAMS3C44B0X LCD , , 44 8 LCD LCD ( ) LCD LCD , , ARM 7 S3C44B0XX LCD 416 LCD 256 16 - A /D DMA (), AD7706 160 160 LCD LCD , , LCD , LCD


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