Nocardia 细胞的破碎方法及其IR 光谱分析 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

Nocardia 细胞的破碎方法及其IR 光谱分析 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

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Nocardia 细胞的破碎方法及其IR 光谱分析 - Journal of Northeastern

第28卷第12期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol128, No. 12 2 00 7 年 12 月 Journal of Northeastern U niversit ( Natural Science) Dec. 2 0 0 7 Nocardia IR 1 1 2 1 魏德洲, 贾春云 , 曹成有 , 刘文刚 ( 1. , 110004; 2. , 110004) : N ocar dia , # N ocar dia , , ; , 115 g/ L # N ocar dia , , NaCl 1% , 50 e , pH 7~ 9 , N ocar dia , N ocar dia # , N ocar dia # : N ocar dia ; ; ; ; : T D 925. 5 : A : 1005-3026( 2007) 12- 1749-05 Fragmentation Methods of Nocard ia Cell and Its IR Spectral Analysis 1 1 2 1 WEI D e-z hou , JIA Ch un-y un , CA O Cheng-you , LI U Wen-gang ( 1. School of Resources Civil Engineering , Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110004, China; 2. School of Sciences, Northeastern Universit , Shen ang 110004, China. Correspondent: JIA Chun- un, E-mail: jiachun un @ 126. com) Abstract: The fragmentation of N ocardia w as investigated b ultrasonic method and cell autol sis, and both could fragment well the microbe. But, the latter requires longer time than the former. T he total time required and pow er output are the ke influencing factors of ultrasonic method, and frequent short-time fragmenting steps and 1. 5 g/ L bacterium densit are beneficial to cell fragmentation. In the cell autol sis process, time is the ke factor, and that the NaCl densit is 1% and temperature at 50 e is beneficial to cell autol sis in w hich the collaborative effect of all enz mes in N ocardia is better w hen pH value is 7~ 9. The


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