
海上无路标Analogy 类比 分析.ppt

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海上无路标Analogy 类比 分析

Analogy 类比 It is a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance. 类比和比喻的区别 比喻的本体和喻体之间就其比拟的相似点来说,只有一个,不存在一个以上比拟的相似点的实例;类比的主体和客体之间进行比较类推的相似点,则不限于一个。 比喻只能依据本体和喻体的相似点进行比拟,而类比在依据主体和客体的相似点进行充分比较的基础上,还可以依据相异点进行比较,从而得出主体事物的某些性质有甚于客体事物相应的某些性质的结论。 Para 4 And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive, as any old maid doing water colors of sunsets. Imagine how I have changed now. Here I stand, sentimental and sensitive, like an old unmarried woman painting a water-color picture of sunset Para 5 To have discarded all usual frailties, to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice, the desire to score off my neighbor, to enjoy this purification… thus I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution. “I” imagine devoted religious people must feel as clean and pure as “I” do now when they leave the solemn confessional after gaining pardon of their sins. para17 The albatross follow a ship only a certain latitude and then turns back, it knows how far it should go and no farther…thus, and no farther, can I follow Laura. Like the albatross, “I” should know how far “I” can go and “I” can not follow Laura farther than that. What he means is that there is a limit to his relationship with Laura, and that he should not allow himself to go beyond that limit Para 18 the island in the ocean will always be there and waiting for me .. like a boulder in the river valley of t China ,wait for me to see it and touch it Line185: Then come the twilight colours of sea and heaven ......palette of pink and blue. Line205: I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a cat passing. I like to hear the sound of footsteps made by bare feet walking in the dust. It is as silent as a cat passing Line217: the faint creaking, a


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