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脊髓是完成躯体运动最基本的反射中枢。 * * * * * * * Spinal afferents from axial portions of the body, trigeminal, visual and auditory inputs project to the vermis Spinal afferents from the limbs project to the intermediate areas- * * Vestibulocerebellum – eye movement coordination and regulate balance w/ vestibular nuclei. Prob w/ alcohol ? weave and eyes flick so can’t maintain steady eye gaze. Input output via inf. Cerebellar peduncle. Spinocerebellum – Input via dorsal ventral spinocerebellar tracts via inf cerebellar peduncle also (somatosensory inputs from proprioceptors and exteroceptors from spinal cord). 2 outputs: Reticulospinal and rubrospinal tracts via superior cerebellar peduncle * Ataxia: instability when standing/walking – wide based stance, staggering, wide based walking (ie. Looks drunk!) Dysmetria – Inability to judge distance and when to stop Dysdiadochokinesia – inability to coordinate movements – inability to perform rapid alteranting movements. Romberg Sign – imbalance w/ eyes closed Hypotonia – Reduced muscle tone (floppy limbs) Dysarthria – slurred speech * Cerebellar Disease Ataxia(共济失调) Dysmetria(辨距不良) Dysdiadochokinesia(轮替运动障碍) Romberg Sign(闭目难立症) Hypotonia(张力减退) Dysarthria(发音困难) Over-Simplified Summary Motor cortex – initiation of movements Brain stem centers – balance of excitation and inhibition of antigravity muscles; integration of vestibular information Basal ganglia – posture and planning and coordination of motor action Cerebellum – equilibrium; coordination of motor action based on sensory information and feedback 第五节 神经系统对内脏活动的调节 一自主神经系统的分布特征 交感神经系统和副交感神经分布的区别 脊髓骶段(2~4节)侧角 (皮肤和肌肉的血管、汗腺、竖毛肌、 肾上腺髓质只有交感神经支配) (几乎所有脏器) N 纤维长度 节前 < 节后 节前 > 节后 节前∶节后=1∶11~17 节前∶节后=1∶2 纤维数量比 支配的效应器 较 广 泛 较 局 限 神经节位置 离效应器远 离效应器近或在效应器壁内 T1~L3灰质侧角 脑干(Ⅲ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ、Ⅹ对脑神经) 中枢部位 (中间) (两端) 特 征 交感神经系统 副交感神经系统 释放递质 节前纤维为ACh 节前、节后纤维皆为ACh 少部分节前纤维为ACh 大部分节前纤维为NE 少部交感节后纤维: 肌肉舒血管纤维、汗腺、胰岛


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