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第4章 国际运输保险
Case study Case 2: Our exporter exported 1,000 bales of gray cloth to Australia, covering WPA 100 bales were wetted as a result of leakage of the pipe during transit. Should the insurance company make indemnities? 我国某外贸公司向澳大利亚出口坯布1000包,投保水渍险,货在海运途中因船舱使用水管漏水,致使该批货中100包浸水渍,问保险公司是否赔偿? Analysis: The insurance company is not liable unless fresh water rain damage was covered. 不赔,应加保淡水雨淋险。 Case study Case 3: A vessel collapsed with flowing icebergs on the sea and a crack was founded on one side of the vessel. Sea water flooded in and part of the cargo was wet. The captain had to call at the nearest port to drain off water and afterwards threw off some bulky goods into the sea to make the vessel floating. Which part belongs to general average and which belongs to particular average? Case study Case 4: 有一货轮在海中与流冰相撞,船身一侧裂口,海水涌进,舱内部分货物遭浸泡,船长不得不将船就近驶上浅滩,进行排水,修补裂口,而后为了起浮又将部分笨重货物抛入海中,问哪些是单独海损?哪些是共同海损? Case study Case 4: Analysis: Particular Average: crack of the vessel and part of the cargo undergone soaking; General Average: the vessel shipped to the nearest port and the losses thereafter. 单独海损:船体撞裂和部分货物遭受浸泡。 共同海损:船只驶上浅滩并由此产生的一系列损失。 Case study Case 5: A vessel with compartment 1 and compartment 2 caught a fire during the trip and compartment 1 was on fire. However, the captain mistakenly thought both compartments were on fire and ordered the crew to put out the fire with water cannons. Losses are: the main engine was damaged; (2) two lots of goods in compartment 1, one lot was burned down partially and the other was water logging. Which belongs to particular average and which belongs to general average? Case study Case 5: 某货轮在航行途中机舱发生火灾,船上甲乙两舱,火灾蔓延到甲舱。船长误以为甲乙两舱都着火,命令对两舱同时高压水龙灭火施救,损失情况:(1)主机烧坏,(2)甲舱两批货,A批货物部分被火烧毁。B批灭火时遭水浸。 问:哪些是单独海损?哪些是共同海损? Case study Case 5: Analysis: Particular Average: the main engine was damaged and one lot was burned down partially; General Average: the other lot was water logging. 主机烧坏甲舱A批货单独海损。B批货遭水浸为共同海损。 Case st
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