大连理工大学出版社 外贸函电与单证 第二版 lesson 6.doc

大连理工大学出版社 外贸函电与单证 第二版 lesson 6.doc

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大连理工大学出版社 外贸函电与单证 第二版 lesson 6

Translate the following sentences into English: 1) 我方不能接受你方的条件,因为我方的报盘是很合理的。(acceptable, offer) Your terms and conditions suggested is not acceptable to us as the offer we made is quite reasonable. 2) 我们的产品质量符合国际水平。(be up to) The quality of our goods measures (is) up to the international level. 3) 价格要依据你们打算订购的数量而定。(subject to, purchase) The price of the goods is subject to the quantity you intend to purchase. 4) 在你方订购之前,我们很乐意提供样本以便你们熟悉产品的质地和工艺。(be prepared to, acquaint…with) Before you place an order, we are prepared to provide some samples to acquaint you with the material and workmanship. 5)鉴于你我之间友好的业务关系,我们这次就让步了,给你们5%的折扣。 (in view of, make concession, allow a discount of)In view of our friendly business relations between us, we’d make concessions this time and allow you a discount of 5%. 6) 兹确认我方已报你方核桃仁20公吨,每公吨伦敦CIF价2,500美元,10月船期。(confirm, offer for… at) This is to confirm our offer for 20 M/T walnut meats at USD$2,500 per metric ton CIF London, for shipment in October. 7) 万一你方不能按要求装运,我们将撤消订单。 (in the event of, cancel the order, make shipment) We will cancel the order in the event that you can’t make shipment as requested. 8) 我们突然想起要通知你方,由于需求量大,该盘有效期到2月10日截止。(It occurs that…, great demand, remain firm) It occurs to us that we shall advise you that, because of great demand, our offer is valid (remains firm) until February 10. III. Letter-writing practice: Please write a firm offer covering the following contents: Commodity: Sweaters in different colors Size: Large (L) Medium (M) Small (S) Package: Sweaters are wrapped in plastic bags and packed in standard export cardboard cartons Price: CIF 5% London per dozen in US$ L: 180 M: 160 S: 140 Shipment: October Payment: By confirmed irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight. Validity: before June 5, 2006. Dear Sirs, We are very pleased to have received your letter of enquiry dated April 9, showing your interest in our sweaters in different colors. In reply, we would like to


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