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滨海县永宁路实验学校八年级英语周测试卷 ( 编号:16 )班级: 学号: 姓名: 一. 1.Tom always gets up early,so I w_______ why he is late school today. 2.Daniel’s leg hurt b_______.We’re sorry to hear that. 3.He wanted me to travel a________ the whole of the city with him. 4.The trip was very b__________. 5.I w________ why she is always late for school. 6.The meeting will begin in two minutes.Please come here as soon as p_________. 7.I hope you can j__________ us soon. 8.He needs to e_________ and keep fit. 9. They enjoyed t_________ in the park yesterday. 10.Good news!Our school basketball team goes to the f__________. 11.The world Park is 467,000 square metres in_________(面积). .The_________(费用)of living is much higher than before. .She was glad to__________(收到)birthday presents from her friends.14.Wang Fuzhou is one of the most famous__________( 登山者)in China..Many people enjoy_______(看) the ______ (日落)in autumn. .Children often have a good time playing___________(迷藏). .You were very________(幸运).But, (不幸)Tom didn’t pass it. 18. Tomorrow they’ll have an exam,they are __________(准备)it now. 1. I think Chinese is as___________(interset)as Maths. 2.He is not as ________(clever)as Lily.He did________(bad)than her. 3.Is he one of the_________(win) in the competition? 4.Don’t be afraid.We are all your ___________(support). 5._________(luck),he didn’t hurt himself badly. 6.Could you tell us all the ____________(run) names? 7.I thought English was boring at the _______(begin). 8.His story is so________,so we’re very_________(amaze)at it. 9.Millie is a sunny _____________(cheer) girl. 三.用所给动词正确形式填空。10分 1.He heard someone__________(call) for help when he was walking along the river. 2.We________(cheer) for our team in the basketball competiton yesterday. 3.She was very sad after___________(receive)the letter from him. 4.Would you like_________ (travel) to the Summer Palace? 5.Why not_________(sit) at the front of the bus? 6.I was surprised ___________ (see) you last night. 7


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