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远离都市喧嚣,拥抱绿色大自然,聆听生命力的声音,感受和谐、怡然、惬意、低调中的奢华,踏遍千山万水,洗尽一身铅华——这就是深圳隐秀山居酒店带给您愉悦身心的精神馈意! Get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to embrace nature, listen to the sounds of life, and experience harmony, relaxation, satisfaction, and the low-key luxury, wander through mountains and past rivers around, be cleansed of all materialistic concerns—this is the uplifting spiritual and physical experience that Castle hotel in Shenzhen offers to you. 酒店座落于深圳市龙岗区,交通便捷,距离地铁三号线只要5分种车程,距离市中心仅30分钟,距离深圳机场 50 分钟车程。酒店由国际顶级设计师精心设计,独特的建筑风格,顶级现代化设施设备,卓越的服务。在这里,您将享受梦寐中的“世外桃源”! Castle hotel is located in Longgang, Shenzhen, with the transportation convenience of a 5-minute journey by car from Subway Line No.3, a 30-minute drive from the city center, and 50-minute drive to Shenzhen Airport. Expertly-designed by world-class architects, castle hotel has unique architectural styles and top-notch modern facilities and equipment, complemented by outstanding service. Here, you can enjoy the “Land of Idyllic Beauty” you dream of. ?o酒店共有220间不同类型的豪华客房。 ? The hotel has 220 units of luxurious accommodation in several types. · 中、西、日 美食餐厅以及大堂吧、美式酒吧。 ? Chinese, Western, Japanese restaurants as well as the lobby bar and American bar. · SPA、健身中心、室内室外泳池。 ? Spa, fitness center,indoor and outdoor swimming pools? Multi-function conference hall 客房配套设施 GUEST ROOM AMENITIES ·座拥无敌湖景 ?Embraced in the beauty of lake views ·独立阳台以及露天浴缸 ? Independent balcony and open-air bath ·每天两次的房间清洁服务及夜间开床服务 ? Twice-a-day room cleaning service and nighttime turndown service ·24小时客房送餐服务? 24-hour room service ·套房均配备42”液晶电视, 客房均配备37”液晶电视 ? The suites are furnished with 42” LCD TV and the guest rooms with 37 LCD TV. ·套房均配备Bose妙韵音乐系统及自助式咖啡机 ? Each suite is equipped with a Bose music system and a self-service coffee machine. ·丽秀客房配备Sonny Iphone/Ipos专用扬声器 ? The Castle Li guess room features Sony Iphone/Ipod speakers ·精心特制的床上用品 ? Specially tailored bedding ·智能调控面板? Intelligent control panel. ·实木制造衣帽? Wooden closets ·高级沐浴套装 ? Impo



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