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课题 课型 R教学目标 能教学 重难点 教 学 活 动 (一)Prepraration 1. Greetings Look what is this? It’s tomatoes.I like to eat. What’s this ? It’s xi yangyang do you like it I divide you into two groups vegetable group and animal group 2. sing a song(flash) old MacDonald had a farm. 设计意图:通过歌曲,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,同时为本课教学做好准备。 (二)pre-reading 1.presention MacDonald’s farm,MacDonald is very busy,出示small master then ask students who wants to have a try. But he has some tasks. Task1 meeting animals and vegetables (1) what are those? They are horses. (2), Are those/these….? Are these sheep?(呈现山羊的图片)学生可能会回答yes , then explain the meaning of goats, and let SS pay attention to the pronunciation . Then practice reading it one by one. (课件解释goat和 sheep 的不同,单词卡goat)。 设计意图:通过游戏,复习本单元的核心句型,同时引出新单词goat激发学生的学习兴趣。 2 can you guess what animals on MacDonald’s farm/ Let’s listen (三)in- reading 1. Listen and tick what animals on MacDonald’s farm/ Sheep goat hen horse 2出示3.4幅图片,核对答案(将动物用圆圈出来) 3.出示3.4幅图片及文本 read and answer the questions (1)How many sheep are there? (2)What do the goats love to eat? 对love to eat短语进行适当的练习 T:I love to eat ...what about you? S:I love to eat.... 4处理1.2 幅图画及文本 look,what’s this, this is Macdonald’s garden, it’s beautiful .what about his vegetable garden? then explain the meaning of garden and vegetable garden.(单词卡) let’s have a look(1.2 组图片的信息). 课件展示菜园1.2图片在图片的帮助下阅读回答 What vegetables does he have ?(他有哪些蔬菜呢) 设计意图:通过阅读,使学生们掌握新短语的发音及语义,为后面做题环节打下基础. 5. Listen and imitate. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 设计意图:通过听音正音,帮助学生按意群和正确的语音语调朗读本课对话,培养良好的语感。 (四) post-reading 1. Read the text in groups. 2. Reading Star Act them out in groups.(四人一组每人读一段), ask ss which group is the best? Then give them gifts. 3. MacDonald 想对动物和蔬菜进行记录。 Task 2 —Can you write them? Boys and girls, now let’s look at this picture. 引导学生回答These are cows. Those are sheep.(课件展示奶牛和绵羊的图片)。 Let’s write them together , show me your fingers , please. Who can tell us how to write the English sentenc


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