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The book hardly sells. 这书买不出去。 The door will not shut/lock. 门关/锁不上。 Am I to blame? 我该受责备吗? The house is to let. 房子要出租。 The story is interesting to read. 这故事读起来很有趣。 The film is worth seeing. 这片子值得一看。 Your shirt needs washing. 你的衬衫该洗了。 2、make, see, watch, hear, notice, feel等使役动词和感官动词的宾语后面可以接不带to的不定式作宾补。但在被动语态中,不定式符号to必须补上。 例如: They made him go. 他们让他去。 He was made to go. 他被要求去了。 I heard him say good-bye to his friends. 我听见他向他的朋友说再见。 He was heard to say good-bye to his friends. 有人听到他向他的朋友说再见。 4、“have/get+宾语+过去分词”这个句型也表达了一种被动的意思。 如: I’ll have the bike repaired in no time. 我一会就把自行车修好。 I had my wallet stolen/lost last Sunday when I was shopping. 上星期天买东西的时候我的钱夹被盗。 He got his leg broken when playing football. ?踢足球的时候他把腿弄断了。 I bought these books at a discount and had two hundred dollars saved. 我打折买了这些书,省了两百美元。 5、在need, want, require后面, 主动的-ing形式表达被动的意思: My watch needs cleaning. (=…needs to be cleaned) 我的表需要清洗。 Your garden needs watering. (=…to be watered) 你的花园需要浇水。 Does your suit require pressing, sir? 先生,您的衣服要烫吗? The car wants servicing. ? 这汽车要检修。 动词的语态 请判断:哪些是被动? 1. 他没写完作业。 2. 她被妈妈叫去洗碗。 3. 水分子由氢原子和氧原子构成。 4. 这个童话故事是安徒生写的。 5. 小强看上去很沮丧。 Linda finished homework yesterday. 主语 谓语 宾语 Homework Linda 基本结构: be+ V-ed was finished yesterday. by 注意: 时态 主谓一致 要点1 结构时态主谓一致 直击中考 不同时态下的被动语态 [1]. Now English ____ by more and more people today. A. speaks B. is spoken C. was spoken 一般现在时的被动语态: am / is / are + V-ed [2]. The lost boy ____ at the street corner last night. A. was found B. is found C. was find 一般过去时的被动语态: was / were +V-ed [3]. More schools ____ in the future. A. will built B. will be built C. are built 一般将来时的被动语态: will + be +V-ed [4]. Three bridges ____ since last year. A. have built B. were built C. have been built 现在完成时的被动语态: have / has + been + V-ed [5]. Flowers ____ every day. A. has been watered B. should be watered C. should water 含有情态动词的被


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