THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们故事第4集-- 分裂).doc

THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们故事第4集-- 分裂).doc

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THE STORY OF US字幕(美国:我们故事第4集-- 分裂)

[43:53.08] 第四集 分裂 [43:54.98] [43:55.14]1825年 1825. [43:56.83] [43:57.14]全世界迎来了现代化的曙光 All over the world, the modern era is being born. [44:00.13] [44:01.12]工业革命来临 Its the Industrial Revolution. [44:02.85] [44:03.62]美国努力迎头追赶 America is racing to catch up. [44:06.22] [44:09.31]在纽约州北部 In upstate New York, [44:10.97]一条人工运河正在郊野中开凿 a man-made river is cutting through the wilderness. [44:13.81] [44:14.65]伊利运河 是四千年来 The Erie Canal is the biggest construction project [44:18.17]西方世界规模最大的建筑工程 in the Western world in the last 4,000 years. [44:21.28] [44:24.32]全长超过300英里 完全由手工开凿 Over 300 miles long, dug entirely by hand, [44:27.65] [44:27.97]而当时美国连一名像样的工程师都没有 and America lacks a single qualified engineer. [44:31.66] [44:33.12]美国人 The United States of America [44:35.45]不会让大自然阻挡他们的去路 isnt about to let nature stand in its way. [44:37.26] [44:37.72]我认为美国精神是 I think of the spirit of America [44:40.53]想象力与毅力的完美结合 being imagination combined with tenacity. [44:44.04] [44:38.43] 迈克尔·道格拉斯 [著名演员] [44:43.20] [44:44.44]人们有兢兢业业的工作精神 Theres a strong work ethic, [44:47.09]有可以尽情施展的创造力 a wonderful freedom of creation, [44:50.23]加上脑力与体力相得益彰 combined with the mental muscle and physical labor. [44:55.07]对我来说 它是人类精神的最高体现 So to me, it represents the best of the human spirit. [44:59.92] [45:02.48]然而大自然并不见得愿意合作 But the land doesnt always cooperate. [45:04.85] [45:05.73]一道60英尺高的石灰岩壁挡住了去路 A wall of solid limestone 60 feet high. [45:09.31] [45:15.20]仅仅30英里开外就是终点 伊利湖 Just 30 miles from the finish line, Lake Erie. [45:19.00] [45:21.16]运河将会改变一切 The canal will change everything, [45:22.81] [45:23.08]将整个美国中部与大西洋连接起来 linking the Atlantic Ocean to the whole middle of America. [45:26.47] [45:28.02]它改变人们的居住地点和人生追求 It changes where people live, and why, [45:30.09] [45:31.56]把整个北方变成了全球经济中心 and turns the North into a global economic powerhouse. [45:35.22] [45:39.40]主持运河开凿的 The man behind the canal [45:40.89]是满腔热忱的纽约州州长 德威特·克林顿 is New Yorks gung-ho governor, Dewitt Clinton. [45:43.76] [45:46.70]出身富庶之家的他坚信一切皆可为


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