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35 2 Vo.l 35 N o. 2 2006 2 Applied Chem ica l Indu stry F eb. 2006 NaC l Ag/SiO 2 曾若生, 詹拥共, 杨莹莹, 蔡炳新 , 4 10082) : N aC l Ag / SiO , , , 2 AgN aC ln ) /n O ), Ag 2 N aC l 10% 1% , Ag/ SiO 600e , 250e , n ) /n O ) 2 2 10, N , 3600 h- 1, , 2 35% 68% : ; ; ; ; ; : O 643 : A : 1671- 3206 2006) 02- 0139- 03 Study of styrene epoxidation w ith NaCl2modified Ag/ SiO2 ZENG Ruo2sh eng, ZHAN Yong2g ong, YANG Ying2ying, CAI B ing2xin College of Chem istry and Chem ical Engineering, Hunan Un ivers ity, Changsha 4 10082, Ch ina) Abstr act: Epoxidation of styrene for prep ar ing styrene oxide was stud ied u sing N aC l2modified Ag /SiO2 as catalysts and molecu lar oxygen as oxidant. The effects of som e factors such as loading ofAg and N aC ,l cal2 cinat ion temp erature, react ion temp erature and themole ratio of styrene/O2 are invest igated. The result in2 d icated that loading of 10% Ag and 1% N aC l and bak ing temp erature of 600e are b est respectively. U n2 - 1 der the condition s of n styrene) /n O ) = 10, N acting as balance gas, SV= 3600 h and 250 e , con2 2 2 version of styrene and selectivity of styrene oxidewere 35% and 68% resp ect ively w ith b est cata lysis per2 form ance. K ey word s: silver; sodium ch loride; styrene


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