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23 4 Vol. 23 o. 4 2010 8 SpaceM edicine M edicalEng ineering Aug. 2010 基于 EMD的指端光电容积脉搏波中呼吸波提取方法研究 1 1 2 李文彪 , 陈真诚 , 刘福彬 ( 1. , 410083; 2. , 225003) : 通过人体指端的脉搏波, 提取人体呼吸波信号使用多参数临床生理监护仪, 同步采 人体指端光电容积脉搏波信号和胸阻抗法检测的呼吸波信号,对光电容积脉搏波信号做各层的经验模 式分解,选择合适频率的本征模函数, 与采 的呼吸波信号做相关性分析 经验模式分解由脉搏 波中所提取的呼吸波与采 的呼吸波有很好的相关性经验模式分解法可有效提取人体指端光 电容积脉搏波中所包含的呼吸波成分,对改进医疗监护设备设计实现生理信号的多参数提取和精确分 析有重要意义 :光电容积脉搏波; 经验模式分解; 本征模函数;呼吸波 : R318 : A :2010) Ex tra ction of R esp iratory Wa ve f rom F ing er Tpi Photolethy sm ograp hy S igna ls Based on EMD M ethod LI W enbiao, CHE Zhencheng, LIU Fubin. SpaceMedicine MedicalEngineering, 2010, 23(4): 279~ 282 Abs tract: Objective To extract respiratorywave inform ation from photolethysmography( PPG) signals. M eth ods Using a clinicalmultiparam eter physiologicalmonitor, the finger tip PPG signalswere acquired synchro nously and the respiratorywavewas detected by the thoracic mi pedancemethod. Then empiricalmode decom position was conducted for thePPG signals, selecting the intrinsicmode function( IMF) w ith appropriate fre quency to carry out correlation analysis togetherw ith respiratorywave signals. R esu lts The respiratorywave di rectly acquired had a good correlation w ith that derived from photolethysmography signals by empiricalmode decomposition method. Conclusion It is indicated that empiricalmode decomposition method can effectively extract the respiratory information contained in PPG signals. This allow s for mi proving the design ofmedical monitoring devices and is useful in physiologicalmultiparameter extraction and accurate analysis. K ey w ord s: photolethysmography; empiricalmode decomposition; intrinsicmode function; respiratorywave Address repr in t requests to: LIWenbiao. Institute of Biom edical Engineering, School of Infophysics Geomatics Engineering, CentralSouthUniversity, ChangshaHunan 410083, China ,



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