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27 5 Vo.l 27 No. 5 2007 10 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Oct. 2007 : 1000-1301( 2007) 05- 0027- 06 1 2 2 郝 敏 , 谢礼立, 李 伟 ( 1. , 10008 ; 2. , 150080) : , 15( ) , () 3, , , , , : : ; ; ; ; : P315. 9 : A : 60322 Study on phy sicalm easure of seism ic in tensity based on dam age to m ason ry structures 1 2 2 HAO M in , X IE L ili , LIW ei ( 1. Departm ent of Civil Engineering, T singhuaU niversity, Beijing 10008 , China; 2. Institute of Eng ineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Adm inistration, H arbin 150080, China) Abs tract: In order to study the physicalmeasure of seism ic intensity based on the damage to masonry structures, fifteen groundmotion parametersw ere d ivided into k inds accord ing to their property and ground motion records w ere grouped into 3 teams based on three factors, that is amplitude, spectrum, and duration of groundmotion. The correlation coefficient betw een the ductility of wt om asonry structures subjected to each group of ground motions and the corresponding groundmotion param etersw ere calcu lated. Then the analysis and comparison of correlation coeff-i cientsw ere conducted and the result mi plied that PGA, EPA, Einput, Eh can reflect the damage potential form a- sonry structures. And all these groundmotion parameters have good correlation w ith seism ic intensity and they can serve as the physicalmeasure of seism ic intensity. K ey w ord s: earthquake groundmotion param eters; physicalmeasure of seism ic intensity; m asonry structur


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