
model theory, semantic information and word embedding - 文因互联.pdf

model theory, semantic information and word embedding - 文因互联.pdf

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model theory, semantic information and word embedding - 文因互联

Model Theory, Semantic Information and Word Embedding Jie Bao Memect (文因互联) 2016-06-24 at Tianjin University, CCF天津知识图谱研讨会 based on previous joint work with Jin Guang Zheng, Prithwish Basu, Mike Dean, Craig Partridge, Ananthram Swami, Will Leland and Jim Hendler Memect 文因互联:专注于知识图谱的应用 Model Theory Sematics Merriam-Webster: the study of meanings Wikipedia: the study of meaning in communication. 4 What is Semantics? Intensional Meaning • TJU alumni are people with affiliation to the Tianjin University Extensional Meaning • TJU alumni are the set {Sheng Xuanhuan, Mao Yisheng, Zhang Tailei, Ma Yingchu, Fen Jicai ...} Model Theory Used to link intensional meaning and extensional meaning “Model theory assumes that the language refers to a world , and describes the minimal conditions that a world must satisfy in order to assign an a p p r o p r i a t e m e a n i n g f o r e v e r y Alfred Tarski expression in the language.” 1901-1983 --RDF Semantics Picure source: wikipedia Model: an Example Expression • TJU alumni are people with affiliation to the Tianjin University A Model Truth Table: Model Enumeration Propositional Logic Tableau: Model for First-order Logic Model Distribution Gives semantics for probabilistic logic Weeken


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