
university physics ⅰ chapter 5 rotation of a rigid body 第五章刚体 .ppt

university physics ⅰ chapter 5 rotation of a rigid body 第五章刚体 .ppt

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university physics ⅰ chapter 5 rotation of a rigid body 第五章刚体

(5-14‘) Equation (5-14) is called as the law of rotation .转动定理表明角加速度与力矩成正比,与转动惯量成反比。 P 轴 Eq.(5-14) has exactly the same form as that for acceleration of a particles, by which the rotation of a rigid body is governed(控制). Therefore, it is often regarded as(称为) Newton’s second law for rotation. 3. Calculation of rotational inertia(转动惯量的计算): The rotational inertial I is not a unique(唯一 ) property of the body but depends on the axis. Rotational inertial of a body is determined by: (1) the total mass of the body(总质量); (2) the mass distribution of the body(质量的分布); (3) the position of the axis(转轴的位置). axis axis axis 三个刚体,质量相等,因转轴位置或质量分布不同,转动惯量不相等; We can use the following example to show above con-clusion (结论) The rotational inertial of a body can be found by Experimental method; Calculation method. o M m x 高度与时间 质量离散分布的物体: (5-15) (会计算简单分离物体的I) If the mass distribution of a body is known, its rotational inertial may be calculated as follows: axis Example: 质量连续分布的物体: (记住:棒、圆盘和圆柱体的I) (5-16) 线积分 面积分 体积分 §5-3 Applying the Law of rotation 转动定律的应用(important!!!!) 基本步骤 (1)隔离法选择研究对象; (2)受力分析和运动情况分析; (3)对质点用牛顿定理,对刚体用转动定理; (4)建立角量与线量的关系,求解方程; (5)结果分析及讨论。 Example 5-3: 一个质量为M,半径为R的定滑轮(当作均匀圆盘)上面绕有细绳。绳的一端固定在滑轮边上,另一端挂一质量为m的物体而下垂。忽略轴处摩擦,求物体m由静止下落h高度时的速度和此时滑轮的角速度(定滑轮的转动惯量 )。 解:(1)研究对象:滑轮和物体m; T o M m x (2)受力分析如图: 滑轮:T、Mg、和轴的支持力,只有T产生力矩(why?),顺 时针转动; 物体:mg和T,向下运动 o M m x T mg 对物体m: (3)对滑轮: (4)以上三式联立,可得物体下落的加速度和速度: 这时滑轮转动的角速度为 滑轮和物体的运动学关系为: o M m x Example 5-4:质量M=1.1kg,半径=0.6m的匀质圆盘,可绕通过其中心且垂直于盘面的水平光滑固定轴转动。圆盘边缘绕有轻的柔绳,下端挂一质量m=1.0kg的物体,如图所示,起初在圆盘上加一恒力矩使物体以速率V0=0.6m/s上升,如撤去所加的恒力矩,问经历多少时间圆盘开始作反向转动( )。 解:(1)研究对象:物体和圆盘; (2)受力分析如图,设逆时针方向为转动的正向,角加速度为?,物体向下的加速度为a。 mg T T (4)解上面的方程组: (5)圆盘作匀加速转动,故有: 其中 ,代如数据,令?=0可求得反转时间。 请同学求出反转所需时间!! (3)列方程: mg T T Example 5-5: As shown in below figure, the body A is connected to the body B by the light rope which is through two uniform solid cylinder(圆柱体) with a mass m and a radius r. The body A has


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