针灸学双语教学课件—眩晕(dizziness and vertigo).ppt

针灸学双语教学课件—眩晕(dizziness and vertigo).ppt

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针灸学双语教学课件—眩晕(dizziness and vertigo)

眩晕 Dizziness and vertigo 一、概述:Gernaral introduction 眩晕是自觉头晕眼花、视物旋转动摇的一种症状,病位主要在脑髓清窍。 眩(dizziness):眼花,重者两眼昏花缭乱,视物不明,无运动错觉。 晕(vertigo)头晕,轻如坐舟车,重者难于站立,昏之欲倒,有运动错觉甚至伴恶心,呕吐时轻时重,反复发作。 眩晕见于现代医学的高血压、动脉硬化、贫血、神经衰弱、耳源性眩晕等。 Dizziness and vertigo are frequently seen in diseases such as hypertension ,arterysclerosis,anemia,neurosis,auricular vertigo etc. 二、 Etiology? and? Pathogenesis(病因病机) The cause of vertigo and dizziness is related to emotional disturbance ,preference for greasy and sweet foods,and excessive over-exertion(过劳). 三、 Identification of Patterns and treatment(辨证及治疗) 1.肝阳上亢 Hyperactivity of the Liver-Yang 2.气血两亏 Deficiency of Qi and Blood 3.痰湿中阻 Interior Retention of Phlegm Dampness 1.肝阳上亢 Hyperactivity of the Liver-Yang Main Manifestations Dizziness aggravated by anger or excitement, flushed face, red eyes, bitter taste in mouth, tinnitus, dreamy sleep, red tongue proper with yellow coating, wiring and rapid pulse. ? 主症 眩晕每困恼怒或情绪激动加剧,急躁易怒,面红目赤,口苦,耳鸣,少寐多梦,舌质红,苔黄,脉弦数。 Treatment The points of Liver Meridian, Gallbladder Meridian, Kidney Meridian are selected as the main points to nourish Yin and pacify(使平静 to make calm) liver-Yang ,Reinforcing(补 strengthen)) and reducing manipulations are applied with either one first according to the condition of the dizziness. 取足厥阴、少阳、少阴经穴为主。毫针刺,补泻兼施,以平肝滋阴潜阳。 ?处方 Prescription ?Fengchi风池 (GB 20), Xingjian 行间(LR 2), Taichong太冲 (LR 3), Taixi太溪 (KI 3), Sanyinjiao三阴交(SP 6) 2.气血两亏 Deficiency of Qi and Blood : Main Manifestations Dizziness accompanied by weakness, pale face and pale lips, palpitation, insomnia, tongue proper is pale, pulse is thready and weak, loss of consciousness happens in severe cases. 主症 眩晕而乏力懒言,面色晄白,唇甲不华,心悸少寐,舌质淡,脉细弱,甚则眩晕昏倒,劳累即发 Treatment The points of Governor Vessel, Conception Vessel, Spleen and Stomach Meridians are selected as the main point with reinforcing in combination with moxibustion to replenish(put new supplies into) Qi and blood 取督脉、任脉、脾胃经穴为主。针刺用补法,兼用灸法,以补益气血 Prescription B


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