pep 高二第三单元reading.ppt

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pep 高二第三单元reading

* Reading 通过任务型阅读,培养学生的阅读能力和 概括能力。 2. 教学生热爱发明,勇于思索和探究。 本节课以Inventors and inventions为话题,让学生了解发明和发现的区别,学习发明家的成功事例。Warming Up 提供了一些科学家及其发明创造的图片,直接导入文章主题。 Reading部分,主要是让学生从整体上去把握文章结构:了解发现问题(snake trouble)、分析问题(products that might help)到解决问题(remove the snakes)的全过程,并介绍了专利申请方面的一些知识。 通过快速阅读和细节阅读,既让学生从整体上理解全文,又让学生从细节上深层次加深对文章重点和难点把握。设计问题分层进行,使得不同层次的学生都有话说,这样既能够培养学生阅读思维能力,又能提高学生口语表达能力,课堂效果明显提高。 1.Do you know any inventors and inventions? let us appreciate a video to know some folk inventions in china. 因您的存在而有力——发明创造中国梦 Zhang Heng seismograph invented Cai Lun ↓ papermaking Ben Franklin Lightning is electricity discovered radium Madame Curie discovered the New Continent Columbus Please tell whether the following are discoveries or inventions. It’s ___________ a discovery. An amphibious car It’s __________ 水陆两用汽车 an invention. It’s ____________ Stephenson’s “Rocket” an invention. DNA It’s __________ a discovery. A discovery is something existing in nature but not yet _______. An invention is something_________ by human beings. known created Difference between a discovery and an invention Discoveries often _____ ____inventions. Inventions ____often_____ ___ discoveries. lead to are based on Connection between discoveries and inventions? Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before inventing? Applying for a patent Finding a problem Doing research Testing the solution Thinking of a creative solution Deciding on the invention 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4.___________________________ 5.___________________________ 6.___________________________ Look at the pictures, what inventions can you think of? The Problem Of The Snakes 1.Skim the whole passage and get the main idea: Summary : The text narrates _______________________ and presents _____________________ and applying for _____


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