polly 期末考前 中译英.doc

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polly 期末考前 中译英

Part1 1.你知道WTO代表的意思吗?(stand for) 2这里价格范围在一百至一千之间的必威体育精装版家电卖得好。(range 3这场大火无疑是有人吸烟引起的。(no doubt) 4.自从引进这项新技术以后,我厂的产量增加了两倍/翻了一翻。(introduce) 5该超市的价格合理,种类齐全,深受顾客欢迎。(range) 6国际书展给游客留下了很深印象。(impress) 7.要是给我们更多的时间,我们肯定会把工作完成得更好些。(1分词作状语 ) (2.状语从句 ) 这家餐馆不断改进服务,开发新品以满足不同顾客的需求。(develop) 1.Do you know what XO stand for? 2.The latest household appliances ranging in price from 100 to 1000yuan here sell well here. 3. There is no doubt that this fire was caused by someone smoking. No doubt this fire was caused by someone smoking. 4.Since this technology was introduced, the production of our factory has doubted/ increased __ twice. Since the introduction of this technology, The supermarket is popular with the customers because of its reasonable price and wide range of products, The supermarket , which provides a wide range of products at reasonable prices, is popular with the customers. The supermarket provides a wide range of products at reasonable prices, making it popular with the customers. 6.The tourists were deeply impressed by the International Book Fair; International Book Exhibition 7. Given more time, we would surely finish the work better This restaurant keeps improving its service and developing new products to meet/ satisfy the customers’ needs. Part 2 1.只要坚持努力,你就一定能梦想成真。(come true) 2. 各国都在尝试各种方法减少温室效应的影响。(reduce) 3.人类几百年来梦寐以求的星际旅行终于实现了。(come true) 4. 他一心想做宇航员 / 做顶级时装设计师. (dream). 5. 你知道谁是第一个被送入太空的中国宇航员吗?(send) 6.农民工说的话真实地反映了他们的真实想法。(reflect) 7.10真正重要的不是你做什么,而是你如何去做。(not ... but) (matter) (count) 1.So long as you keep on working hard, your dream will surely come true./ you will surely make your dream come true. 2.Each country is trying every means to reduce the influence of the greenhouse effect. 3.The interplanetary travel, which humans have dreamed of for hundreds of years has come true at last. 4. He has always been dreaming of becoming a top fasion designer. 5. Do you know who the first Chinese astronaut to be sent into space was..? 6.what the ?migrant worker


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