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22 2 Vol. 22, No. 2 2002 4 Bullet in of Soil and Water Conservation Apr. , 2002 125DEM 1, 2 2 1 1 1 赵帮元 , 汤国安, 马安利, 喻权刚, 郭玉涛 ( 1. , 710043; 2. , 7100 9) : 3 , DEM , DEM , Terlk DEM; , , , , , , : ; ; : : 1000288 ( 2002): 392 B X T P Producing of 1250000 Map Scaled DEM in Different Terrain Roughness 1, 2 2 1 1 1 ZHAO Bang-yuan , TANG Guo-an , MA An-li , YU Quan-gang , GUO Yu-tao ( 1. Up p er and M iddle R eaches of the Yellow R iv er A dm in istr ativ e B ur ea u of Yellow R iv er Conser v ancy Commission , X ian 710043, Ch ina ; 2.D ep ar tment of Urban and R esour ce Sc iences, N or thw est Univ er sity , X ian 7100 9, Ch ina) : - Abstract Grid based DEM is a critical basic geo spatial data base in the analysis of regional topography fea- ture. 1250 000 map scaled DEM is regarded as an important basis for the middle scaled investigation of soil erosion characteristics. T aking three areas of different terrain roughness as test areas, the effective proce- dures and methodology for the producing of DEM are probed into. In addition, by means of comparative , , method the DEM accuracy w ere investigated w hich can be regarded as possessing critical importance for the setting up DEM s, as w ell as evaluate their practicability and applicability in the field of regional soil ero- sion research in these corresponding areas. : ;


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