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 第 32卷第 6期 煤   炭   学   报 Vo l. 32 No. 6   2007年 6月 JOURNAL OF CH INA COAL SOC IETY June  2007    文章编号 : 0253 - 9993 (2007) 06 - 0608 - 04 新型防火抑尘剂的应用 施春红 , 金龙哲 , 刘结友 (北京科技大学 土木与环境工程学院 , 北京  100083) 摘  要 : 为改进煤矿传统的防火抑尘方法 , 通过对新型防火抑尘剂的作用机理分析和在试验室的 性能测定 , 提出: 一是添加一定量到煤矿预防性灌浆中; 二是直接撒布到粉尘二次飞扬严重的胶 带机巷等处 , 并在现场试验中进行了验证. 表明新型防火抑尘剂不仅能够有效地防止采空区煤层 自燃 , 也能抑制粉尘的二次飞扬. 关键词 : 防火抑尘剂 ; 阻化机理 ; 预防性灌浆 ; 阻化率 ; 保湿性能 中图分类号 : TD 752 2   文献标识码 : A A pplica tion of new f ireproof ing and dustdepressor SH I Chunhong, J IN Longzhe , L IU J ieyou (S chool of C ivil and Environm en t E ng ineering, Un iversity of S cience and Technology B eij ing, B eij ing 100083, Ch ina) A b stract: In order to imp rove coal m ine traditional mode of firep roof and du stsupp re ssion , b rough t forward two app lication s through analyzing firep roofing du stdep re ssor ’s m echan ism s and m en su rating its p erform ance in the la boratory. F irst, added a certain amoun t of firep roofing du stdep re ssor in the coal m ine p reven tive grou ting. Second, directly be strewed firep roofing du stdep re ssor on belts p lane lane where du st wa s p rone to be floated seriou sly. A fter the au top tic exp erim en ts, it ’s te stified that new firep roofing du stdep re ssor not on ly can effectively p reven t coal spon taneou s combu stion in excavating vacan t region , bu t also can re strain m ineral du st floated secondly. Key words: firep roofing du stdep re ssor; inh ib iting m echan ism s; p reven tive grou ting; inh ib iting


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