护理核心能力于临床教学之应用 - 国立台南护理专科学校.PDF

护理核心能力于临床教学之应用 - 国立台南护理专科学校.PDF

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护理核心能力于临床教学之应用 - 国立台南护理专科学校.PDF

護理核心能力於護理核心能力於 臨床教學之應用 簡淑慧簡淑慧 副教授副教授 長庚技術學院 護理系 林口長庚醫院護理部 兼任護理專家 swjane@.tw 簡淑慧_長庚技術學院_11/12/09 護 批判性思考能力(Critical thinking and 理 reasoniing )) 一般臨床護理技能(General clinical 專 skills ) 基礎生物醫學科學 ((Basic biomedical 業 science) 溝通與合作溝通與合作(Communication(Communication andand teamteam 核核 work capability) 心心 關愛(Caring) 素素 倫理素養倫理素養 (Ethics)(Ethics) 克盡職責 (Accountability)/敬業樂群 養養 終身學習終身學習(Life(Life-longlong learning)/learning)/ 自我成長自我成長 3 Fundamentals of Critical ThinkingFundamentals of Critical Thinking A purposeful mental processA purposeful mental process of evaluating ideas for reasonableness, or selecting the mostselecting the most reasonable idea from competing i ddeas. Fundamentals of Critical ThinkingFundamentals of Critical Thinking Gatheringg data Identifying problems Setting goa lls Actively resolving problemsActively resolving problems Evaluating results Planning further interventions Define the problem by asking the rigght qquestions Select the information or data necessary to solve the pproblem or answer the question Steps of RecognizeRecognize statedstated andand unstatedunstated assumptionsassumptions;; that is, what do you think is or is not true. CriticalCritical Thinking Formulate and select relevant and promising hypotheses Draw valid conclusions ConsiderConsider thethe soundnesssoundness ofof you



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