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20 (3) 206 - 210        中国生物防治  Chinese Journal of Biological Control         2004 年 8 月 马唐病原真菌的分离筛选及其致病力测定 朱云枝 , 强 胜 (南京农业大学杂草研究室 , 南京 210095) 摘要 : 从马唐罹病植株上分离到 6 种病原真菌 : 中隔弯孢、新月弯孢、多节长蠕孢、灰梨孢、链格孢 和粉红镰孢。其中新月弯孢和多节长蠕孢对玉米有致病作用 ,灰梨孢对水稻有轻微的致病作用 ;另 3 种病原真菌中 ,链格孢和粉红镰孢对马唐致病性弱 ,而中隔弯孢菌株对 4 叶期以下的马唐有极强 的致病作用 ,室内控制效果可达 100 % ,田间控制可达75 % 以上。对中隔弯孢菌株 QZ200 寄主范 围测定表明:该菌对水稻、玉米、大豆、棉花、小麦、向日葵、花生等作物及黑麦草、高羊茅和狗牙根等 草坪草十分安全 ,具有开发为作物田和草坪真菌除草剂的潜力。 关  键  词 : 中隔弯孢; 真菌除草剂 ; 马唐 ; 致病性 ; 寄主范围 中图分类号: S451 ;S476. 1   文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : (2004) Isolation and Pathogenicity of Indigenous Fungi to Digitaria sanguinalis ZHU Yunzhi , Q IAN G Sheng (Weed Research Laboratory , Nanjin g Agricultural University , Nanjin g 210095 , China) Abstract : Six patho genic fungi were isolated from naturally infected plant of D ig it aria s ang ui n al is . They were identified as Cu rv ul aria i n ter m ed ia , C. l u n at a , Hel m i n t hosp ori u m nod ulos u m , Pi ricul aria g risea , A l t arna ria al tern at a and Fus ari u m roseu m . Among them , C. l u n at a and H . nod ulos u m infected corn and P . g risea infected rice slightly. Under the condition of 48h dew period , A . al ternat a and F . roseu m did not cause death of D . s ang ui nal is seedlings at the 1 - 3 leaf stage , but C. i n term edia provided good control (90 % - 100 % in greenhouse and 75 % in field) of the weed at the 1 - 3. 5 leaf stage. Initial host range test were done with C. i n ter m edia . The patho gen did not infect rice , corn , soybean , cotton , wheat , sunflower , peanut , and lawn. C. i n ter media may be a potential agent as bioherbicide to control crabgrass. Key words : Cu rv ul aria i n ter media ; bioherbicide ; D ig it aria s


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