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无创正压通气模式差异对重度RDS患儿血气分析指标、撤机成功率及并发症的影响 【摘要】目的:探讨nCPAP)与鼻塞式同步间歇指令通气(nSIMV)模式对重度新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)患儿血气分析指标、撤机成功率及并发症的影响。方法:选取100例,随机法分为对照组(例)和观察组(例),nCPAP与nSIMV模式下进行无创正压通气治疗;比较两组患儿。结果:组患儿差异(p0.05);观察组患儿显著于对照组(p0.05)(p0.05);观察组患儿显著于对照组(p0.05);观察组患儿显著于对照组(p0.05);(p0.05)。结论:nCPAP 模式,重度RDS患儿在nSIMV模式下行无创正压通气可显著提高撤机成功率,促进肺通气功能恢复,并有助于降低腹泻发生几率。 【关键词】nCPAPnSIMV;无创正压通气;RDS Influence of NPPV modes difference on blood gas analysis index, weaning success rate and complications of children with severe RDS Abstract:Objective To investigate the nfluence of NPPV modes for nCPAP and nSIMV on blood gas analysis index, weaning success rate and complications of children with severe RDS. Methods 100 children with severe RDS were chosen in the period from March 2015 to March 2017 in our hospital and randomly divided into both group including control group (50 children) with NPPV modes for nCPAP and observation group (50 children) with NPPV modes for nSIMV; and the ventilator support time, the total enteral feeding time, the hospitalization time, the levels of PaO2, PaCO2, pH and OI index before and after treatment, the weaning success rate and complication incidence?of both groups were compared. Results There was no significant difference in the ventilator support time, total enteral feeding time and hospitalization time between 2 groups (p0.05). The weaning rate of observation group were significantly higher than control group(p0.05). The weaning failure rate of observation group were significantly lower than control group(p0.05). The and OI index after treatment of observation group were significantly better than control group and before treatment(p0.05). The diarrhea incidence of observation group w significantly lower than control group(p0.05). feeding intolerance, NEC, IVH, ROP and BPD between 2 groups (p0.05). Conclusion NPPV modes for nCPAP, NPPV modes for nSIMV in the treatment of children with severe RDS can efficiently higher the weaning success rate, promote pulmonary ventilation



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