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一.公司组织构成 董事会Board of Directors 总经理室 副总经理室 销售部?PRD Dpt. Personnel Dpt. Secretary Dpt. Advertising Dpt Account Dpt. ??? 二.公司人员构成 董事长总经理 副总经理 销售部财务行政人事Secretary General Chief Advertising Officer Chief Account Officer 各部门经理 三.各部门职能? ?董事会 ?召集股东大会? 2.执行股东大会决议? 3.决定经营计划和投资方案? 4.制订年度财务预算方案? 5.制定利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案? 6.制订增加或者减少注册资本的方案以及发行债券的方案? 7.拟订合并、分立、解散的方案? 8.审定内部管理机构的设置??9.聘任或解聘公司总经理及各副总经理、决定其报酬事项?总经理室? ? 2. Make decision 3. Make plans 4. Handle difficult situations at work 5. Deal with problems and complaints 6. Sign contracts 7. Monitor expenses claims 副总经理室 Assist the general manager with routine work Be responsible for everything when the general manager is away 销售部?’ calls and solve problems Accept repairs and deal with customer’s complaints Communicate timely with customers Offer a full comprehensive and convenient after-sales service Offer a full professional after-sales service Undertake installation and testing tasks from the company Offer training to users’ technical staff 市场部经理 Consumer research Market and product segmentation, including geographies and demographics Brand development and momentum maintenance New product requirements (features, quality, ect.) Positioning of market and product Product packaging designing input Pricing recommendations Promotions, budgeting, result forecasting 财务部? 遵守国家财务工作规定和公司规章制度? 2.建立健全公司财务管理、会计核算等有关制度? 3.定期编制年、季、月度种类财务会计报表? 4.负责固定资产台账的建立。正确计提折旧? 5.负责流动资金的管理。会同储运部门定期组织清查盘点? 6.负责公司产品成本的核算工作。制订成本核算方法? 7.负责公司资金缴、拔、按时上交税款。办理现、现金收支和银行结算业务。? 负责公司财务审计和会计稽核工作。加强会计监督和审计监督? 9.配合有关机构及税务、银行部门检查财务工作? 10.协助有关部门进行财务、税收和资产评估及审计? 11.加强资产管理、确保公司资金及财产的安全、实现公司资产的保值增值 部? ? 2. explore new projects and new product of possibility 3. Research to understand the product market dynamic? 4. Prepare the new product development plan and organize the implementation 5. To relevant department to provide reports and data 6. Submit a new product development proposal 7. Making new product development of economy, market and technique and organize implement ?


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