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产品造型设计及计算方法 Design and selection 电伴热是利用电伴热产品的产生的热量来补偿被伴热的管道、容器、罐体等工艺装置所散耗的热量,以维持其相应的 介质温度来满足工艺要求。正确计算出管道、容器、罐体等工艺装置的散热量,对准确维持介质温度是至关重要的。 An electric heating cable system uses the heating cable to replace the heat that is lost throuth the thermal insulation system. Replacing the lost heat allows the pipe and product inside the pipe to be heat at a constant temperature. It is important for selecting heating cable to calculate the lost heat on the pipe. Vessel and tank. 一、管道及附件散热量的计算 Calculate the heat loss of pipe and accessories 1、工艺参数的确定 Determination of parameters 为确保计算的正确性,在计算前应正确确定各项参数:它们是管道、容器、罐体等介质要求维持的温度T 。管道的直 径d 或容器的表面积S 、保温材料的品种及厚度 、环境温度(最低平均温度)T 、敷设环境(室内或室外、地面或埋地)。并计 H 算维持温度TW 与环境温度TH 之差△T,△T=TW -TH It is desired pipe, vessel maintenance temperature (T ) and minimum ambient temperature (T ) and pipe diameter W H (d). surface areas of vessel(s), thermal insulation type and thickness. 2 、管道散热量的计算 Thermal design Q=f ×e ×h ×q Q-实际需要的伴热量 heat loss q-基准情况下单位长度管道的散热量 q (根据工艺参数查表5-1得到)basic heat loss f-保温材料系数(查表5-2) thermal insulation factor (see chart 5-2) e-管材系数 (金属为1,非金属为0.6-0.9) pipe factor (metal 1,no metal 0.6-0.9) h-环境系数(室外为1,室内为0.9) ambient factor (outdoor:1,indoor:0.9) 例1:某厂有一金属管线,管径为1/2”,保温材料是硅酸钙,厚度10mm,管道中介质的维持温度10℃,冬季最低平 均气温是-25℃,室外。求管道每米热损失。 Example: There is a pipeline to be maintained at 10℃,Min ambient temperature is -25℃,pipe diameter is 1/2” (inch), Insulation is 10mm thickness calcium silicate in outdoor. 一:△T=T -T =10℃-(-25℃)=35℃ W H 二:查表5-1,管径1/2”,10mm 保温层,因表中无△T=35℃需采用插入法计算; use table 5-1 pipe diameter 1/2”,10mm thickness insulation where desired temperature differential falls between values, use interpolation: △T =30℃时,q =11.0W/m ; 1



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