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Incidentally the Certainty-Study of Shen Congwen “Border Town”-the Tragedy Consciousness Ming-Hann Chiang* Abstract Border town is the best work of Shen Congwen’s novels, it is broadly beloved and esteemed in the modern century; there is no doubt it gets the extremely high appraisal in the academic world. Commentaries generally focus on the western Hunan’s local conditions, the customs, the language, the madrigal tone, and the village’s characters and images, but few commentators like Liu Xiwei and Wang Dewei dissect that “the tragedy” should be the essence of this work, there is no further analysis though. “The tragedy” is now selected to be analyzed as the main theme of this paper. With the aid of the Western tragedy theory, this paper separately explores the characters, fate, etc. of the several important roles in this book in order to interpret the reasons of those unavoidable tragedies. The author’s special life experience and his feeling sentiment of the sorrow world are recombined as well to extract the lofty significance from this book by changing the ego of little sadness himself to the great love of the world. Keywords: Shen Congwen, the border town, the western Hunan, the tragedy, seek for the reason to the song, walk the vehicle route, walk the street 偶然中的必然-論沈從文《邊城》的悲劇意識 姜 明 翰* 摘 要 《邊城》是沈從文小說中的壓卷之作,大半個世紀以來,這部作品廣受世人喜愛和推崇,學界早有高評,無庸置疑。揆諸眾家評論,多將焦點集中於湘西風土語言、牧歌式情調、俚村人物形象之研究,僅少數如劉西渭、王德威等點出「悲劇」乃該作最重要之關目,卻未進一步闡析。本論文以此為研究主體,藉助西方悲劇理論,分由書中幾位重要人物本身之性格、造化宿命等方面進行探索,解讀種種不可逆悲劇產生的原因。再結合作者早年特殊的生活經歷及其感時憂世之情,提煉出該作由小我之悲化為大我之愛的崇高意義。 關鍵字:沈從文、邊城、湘西、悲劇、對歌尋緣、走車路、走馬路 一、前言 在沈從文中長篇小說作品中,最能代表他獨特的人生觀和藝術風格者,當屬《邊城》。其清麗雋永的文字、蘊藉內斂的情感、湘西風土的白描及俚村人物的形象,深植人心。歷經大半個世紀,這部作品躍登華人現代小說的頂峰,掀起海內外的研究熱潮。然而在眾多評論當中,沈從文生前似乎只首肯過劉西渭的看法,劉西渭〈《邊城》與《八駿圖》〉評云: 作者的人物雖說全部善良,本身卻含有悲劇的成分。惟其善良,我們才更易於感到悲哀的分量。這種悲哀,不僅僅由於情節的演進,而是在於帶在人物的氣質裡的。自然越是平靜,「自然人」越顯得悲哀:一個更大的命運影罩住他們的生存。這幾乎是自然一個永久的原則:悲哀。 當世人徜徉在沈從文筆下奇幻的邊域風光,品嚼書中人物的純樸善良,彷彿回歸原始生命真善美的極致境界。悠然神往之際,心頭不免沁入一股淡淡的哀傷,難以言宣又揮之不去。這一股哀傷,在作者渾然天成、不落斧鑿的運行下,不易覺察,卻為劉西渭慧眼點出了其中關鍵。此一潛藏


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