Geosynthetics for soil reinforcement TenCate(土工合成材料对土壤加固TenCate).pdf

Geosynthetics for soil reinforcement TenCate(土工合成材料对土壤加固TenCate).pdf

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Geosynthetics for soil reinforcement TenCate(土工合成材料对土壤加固TenCate)

Geosynthetics for soil reinforcement Reinforced Soil Slopes 1 Soil Slope Design Guidelines 2 for Firm Foundations 5 Stability Analysis 9 Charts for Preliminary Design 14 Example Design Problem 19 Specification 24 Installation Guidelines 29 R E I N F O R C E D S O I L E N G I N E E R I N G reinforced soil slopes Steepened slopes have become increasingly advantageous due to the desire to increase land usage and decrease site develop- ment costs. The proven concept of tensile reinforcement allows construction of slopes with far steeper face angles than are per- mitted by the soils natural angle of repose. Steepened slopes reinforced with Mirafi® geosynthetics can increase land usage substantially while providing a natural appearance. The stability of a reinforced soil slope can be threatened by ero- sion due to surface water runoff, or more severe forces associ- ated with water currents and wave attack. Slope face erosion may create rills and gullies, and result in surface sloughing and possibly deep-seated failure (Berg.1993). Erosion control and re-vegetation measures must, therefore, be an integral part of all reinforced soil slope system designs. The type of erosion control facing option selected depends on the finished slope face angle. ADVANT


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