
Good Advice To Give Your Partner By Eddie Kantar(好的建议给你的伴侣,埃迪如是说).pdf

Good Advice To Give Your Partner By Eddie Kantar(好的建议给你的伴侣,埃迪如是说).pdf

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Good Advice To Give Your Partner By Eddie Kantar(好的建议给你的伴侣,埃迪如是说)

52 FACTS OF BRIDGE LIFE Good Advice To Give Your Partner By Eddie Kantar Surely a player of your bridge skills is familiar with most or all of the following tips you are about to read. But is your partner? Tips 1-20 are bidding tips. 1. When partner bids two suits and you have an equal number of cards in each suit, take partner back to the first suit even if it means increasing the level. Just do it! You hold: ♠ Axxx ♥ K10x ♦ Jxx ♣ xxx Partner You 1♦ 1♠ 2♥ ? Bid 3♦. Raising hearts (see next tip) or passing partners reverse, a one-round force, puts you back in kindergarten. 2. A direct raise of a second suit promises four card support (in blood). You hold: ♠ xx ♥ A10x ♦ A10x ♣ K10xxx Partner You 1♠ 2♣ 2♥ ? Rebid 2NT showing 11-12 high-card points. Don’t even thinking of raising hearts with only three. 3. With two five-card suits: open with the higher ranking suit, respond in the higher ranking suit, and overcall in the higher ranking suit. Do not worry about which is the stronger suit. You hold: ♠ x ♥ J10xxx ♦ AKQxx ♣ Kx Open 1♥, not 1♦. Respond 1♥ to an opening 1♣ bid and overcall 1♥ if the opening bid to your right is 1♣. 4. When the bid to your right is strong, a jump by you is weak; when the bid to your right is weak, a jump by you is strong. If partner opens 1♣ and RHO doubles, a jump to 2♠ by you is weak. If RHO opens 2♥ (weak), a jump to 3♠ by you is strong. 5. After you open 1♥ or 1♠ and partner responds 1NT denying support for your major, don’t rebid your major unless you have a six-card suit. 6. When holding three four card suits and a singleton, open the bidding 1♦ unless your singleton is in diamonds! If it is, open 1♣. You should have at least 12 HCP to open the bidding with this distribution. You hold: ♠ AKxx ♥ KJxx ♦ J10xx ♣ x


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