GrindTec 2014 19th – 22th March Augsburg (GrindTec 2014 19 3月22日奥格斯堡).pdf

GrindTec 2014 19th – 22th March Augsburg (GrindTec 2014 19 3月22日奥格斯堡).pdf

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GrindTec 2014 19th – 22th March Augsburg (GrindTec 2014 19 3月22日奥格斯堡)

GrindTec 2014 - 19th – 22th March - Augsburg Trade Fair Centre Press Release 19th March 2014 GrindTec 2014: Great expectations are once again being placed on the GrindTec in 2014. Which novelties and ground-breaking developments will the leading grinding technologies companies be presenting there to the sector for the first time? Peter Merkel has prepared a small summary for you. With 520 exhibitors, 70 more than two years ago, the GrindTec will be bigger than ever before. We have now reached a point where four out of ten companies are based in foreign countries, and this GrindTec will also be the most international there has ever been. Our little tour of the trade fair introduces some very interesting innovations, although it can only be a small selection from the huge range of exhibits at the GrindTec 2014. We start our not very representative tour of the trade fair at Supfina. Grinding spindles up to 26 kW make an abrasion depth of up to 0.5 mm possible on the Planet V4. It has been completely remodelled and with no compromises in precision, productivity and user-friendliness it has now become even more compact and economic in operation. At durcrete GmbH massive beds for the grinding machines made out of Nanodur concrete are available - Ultra High Performance Concrete UHPC. These enable higher machining speeds, also with tool machines or with wood processing machines. MAW Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH is showing a cross-section of its production spectrum in the sectors of preparation of cutting edges, deburring, polishing, and flat-lapping and tool grinding. In the field of deburring the emphasis is on machining of small and micro parts. Dressing spindles are the attraction at Meister Abrasives AG, where the extended selection



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