GSC 10 static.garmincdn(GSC 10 static.garmincdn).pdf

GSC 10 static.garmincdn(GSC 10 static.garmincdn).pdf

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GSC 10 static.garmincdn(GSC 10 static.garmincdn)

™ GSC 10 instructions (EN) instructions (FR) istruzioni (IT) anweisungen (DE) instrucciones (ES) instruções (PT) instructies (NL) instruktioner (DA) ohjeet (FI) instruksjoner (NO) instruktioner (SV) Installing the GSC 10 3. Attach the pedal magnet to the crank arm using ‹warnInG the adhesive mount and a See the Important Safety and cable tie. Product Information guide in ® ® The pedal magnet must the Forerunner or the Edge product box for product be within 5 mm of the warnings and other important GSC 10. The indication information. line on the pedal magnet must line up with the Both magnets must be indication line on the aligned with their respective GSC 10. indication lines. 1. Place the GSC 10 on the rear chain stay (on the side opposite the drive train). NOTE: Place the flat rubber Cable tie Indication line pad or the triangle-shaped Pedal Magnet on rubber pad between the GSC Crank arm 10 and the chain stay for 4. Unscrew the spoke stability. magnet from the plastic Reset button piece. Indication 5. Place the spoke in the line groove of the plastic piece and tighten slightly. The spoke magnet can face awa


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