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High Speed @ Power Gears Renk(高速齿轮 Renk @力量)
Innovative Power Transmission
High Speed
@ Power Gears
Oil Gas, Power Generation, Process Industry
Gear units – Technical Basis
Our Experience makes your
Application Dependable
The Genuine RENK TA Gears Famous for Reliability
Ever since 1935 RENK AG have been de-
voting intense efforts to the development In the beginning the toothing was just The feasibility studies reached powers
and manufacture of high-speed gear units “natural hard”. Since the late 1960ies beyond 300 MW for generator drives.
and as early as in 1939 bearing journal RENK offers gear units with fully-hardened The essential feature of TA high-speed gear
speeds of 110 m/s were attained and con- toothing exclusively (case-hardening). In this units are tailored to the relevant application,
trolled to guarantee operational safety. In way the pitch line velocity has been reduced optimized center distance bearing dimen-
2012 near to 5500 TA high-speed gear units by 40%. The transmittable power has been sions and tooth width as well as standard-
were in service. Among these are gear units increased by the factor of 4 with the same ized monitoring systems to satisfy maximum
with circumferential speeds of 220 m/s and gear wheel dimensions. Today RENK manu- requirements. The target is low power loss,
bearing journal speeds of 140 m/s. These facturs high-speed gear units for power noise and vibration. As of the following high-
gear units are used in almost any industry values of 140 MW. Since 1975 RENK holds speed gear unit variants our application
with focus on power station technology, the world record for the ultimate power specialist wil
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