IEEE standard test procedure for singlephase (对单相IEEE标准测试程序).pdf

IEEE standard test procedure for singlephase (对单相IEEE标准测试程序).pdf

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IEEE standard test procedure for singlephase (对单相IEEE标准测试程序)

IEEE Std 114-1982 (Revision of ANSI/IEEE Std 114-19691 IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Single-PhaseInduction Motors Published by The Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA December 7,I982 SH08938 IEEE Std 114-1982 IEEE STANDARD TEST PROCEDURE FOR IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Single-phaseInduction Motors 1. Scope [8] IEEE Std 119-1974, IEEE Recommended Practice for General Principles of Temperature This standard covers instructions for con- Measurement as Applied to Electrical Apparatus ducting and reporting the more generally ap- [9] IEEE Std 120-1955 (R1972) (ASME plicable and acceptable tests to determine PTC 19.6-1955), Master Test Code for Elec- the performance characteristics of single- trical Measurements in Power Circuits phase motors, including nonexcited synchro- nous motors. It is not intended that this stan- dard shall cover all possible tests used in pro- 3. Tests duction or tests of a research nature. The stan- dard shall not be interpreted as requiring the making of any or all of the tests described Single-phase induction motors are normally


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