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IMS Virtual DMIS Brochure - Innovative Metrology(IMS虚拟dmi小册子创新计量)
Virtual DMIS
Elevating Metrology
to a Higher Level
Active ™
Repurpose CAD data independent of CMM software
Runs as a standalone application
Direct Import of CATIA V4 and V5, ProE, Unigraphics, Parasolids, IGES, STEP, ACIS, VDAFS
Export in CATIA V4 and V5, Parasolids, IGES, STEP, ACIS, VDAFS, CASCADE BREP, VRML
Single click feature recognition and motion generation from CAD
Mirror imaging
Multiple CAD model import
Auto translation of world coordinates
Graphics manipulation – solid or wire
irtual DMIS’ new Active Matrix CAD inter-
Vface creates a bi-directional link between
product design and measurement. Read and
write industry standard and native CAD data formats. Import all major CAD formats
Active Matrix can be run as a stand-alone application
anywhere in the enterprise, providing product data
repurposing power wherever it is needed. Models
can be “cleaned up” prior to the start of programming
anywhere in the enterprise.
Virtual DMIS is built upon the next generation
CASCADE™ solid modeling engine and displays the
CAD model in a true solids format, providing the
ultimate in accuracy and enabling surface nominal Position the model on the Virtual machine
data and vectors to be selected directly from the
part model. Multiple models can be imported and
positioned on the Virtual CMM.
Full prismatic part geometry is available with
automatic feature recognition and measurement
simply by selecting the feature to be inspected with a
single mouse click.
Virtual DMIS has been developed with the Dimensional
Measurement Interface Standard (DMIS) as its
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