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Installation and Maintenance Instructions.(安装和维护说明书。)
Variable Speed Belt Drives
Installation and Maintenance Instructions.
General Data (See Helpful Hints and Safety on page 7 before proceeding.)
Lovejoy variable speed drive equipment is furnished in two types: Adjustable Center Drive
ADJUSTABLE CENTER DRIVES and FIXED CENTER DRIVES. The As a rule, the spring loaded pulley in an adjustable center drive is mount-
installation data that follows is separated into these two categories. ed on the DRIVER shaft and the companion sheave on the DRIVEN
shaft. With this mounting arrangement the drive is considered a constant
An ADJUSTABLE CENTER DRIVE consists of a spring loaded variable torque drive. The horsepower at the driven shaft decreases in direct pro-
speed pulley (VSP), a companion sheave (non-adjustable), an adjustable portion to the speed at the driven shaft.
motor base and a V belt. A FIXED CENTER DRIVE, called a COM-
POUND DRIVE, consists of one adjustable pulley, a spring loaded pulley Fixed Center Drive
and a belt, along with a “torque arm bracket” or some means of prevent- In a compound drive (fixed center), both horsepower and torque are vari-
ing rotation of the torque arm on the adjustable pulley. able at the driven shaft. Refer to the horsepower and torque columns for
fixed center drives in the general catalog for ratings if needed.
The spring loaded pulley is the heart of the variable speed belt drive. The Caution: Rim speed of pulley not to exceed 10,500 ft. per minute.
springs in the pulley are designed to keep the belt in position without slip-
page when the dri
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