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ISL6144 Datasheet - Intersil(ISL6144数据表英特锡尔)
Data Sheet October 6, 2011 FN9131.7
High Voltage ORing MOSFET Controller Features
The ISL6144 ORing MOSFET Controller and a suitably sized • Wide Supply Voltage Range +9V to +75V
N-Channel power MOSFET(s) increases power distribution
• Transient Rating to +100V
efficiency and availability when replacing a power ORing diode
in high current applications. • Reverse Current Fault Isolation
In a multiple supply, fault tolerant, redundant power distribution • Internal Charge Pump Allows the use of N-Channel
system, paralleled similar power supplies contribute equally to MOSFET
the load current through various power sharing schemes. • HS Comparator Provides Very Fast 0.3µs Response
Regardless of the scheme, a common design practice is to Time to Dead Shorts on Sourcing Supply. HS Comparator
include discrete ORing power diodes to protect against reverse also has Resistor-adjustable Trip Level
current flow should one of the power supplies develop a
• HR Amplifier allows Quiet, 100µs MOSFET Turn-off for
catastrophic output short to ground. In addition, reverse current Power Supply Slow Shut Down
can occur if the current sharing scheme fails and an individual
power supply voltage falls significantly below the others. • Open Drain, Active Low F
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