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ISL6227 Datasheet - Intersil(ISL6227数据表英特锡尔)
Data Sheet May 4, 2009 FN9094.7
Dual Mobile-Friendly PWM Controller with Features
DDR Option
• Provides Regulated Output Voltage in the Range 0.9V to
The ISL6227 dual PWM controller delivers high efficiency 5.5V
precision voltage regulation from two synchronous buck DC/DC
• Operates From an Input Battery Voltage Range of 5V to
converters. It was designed especially to provide power 28V or From 3.3V/5V System Rail
regulation for DDR memory, chipsets, graphics and other
system electronics in Notebook PCs. The ISL6227’s wide • Complete DDR1 and DDR2 Memory Power Solution with
input voltage range capability allows for voltage conversion VTT Tracking VDDQ/2 and a VDDQ/2 Buffered Reference
directly from AC/DC adaptor or Li-Ion battery pack.
• Flexible PWM or HYS Plus PWM Mode Selection with
Automatic mode transition of constant-frequency synchronous
HYS Diode Emulation at Light Loads for Higher System
rectification at heavy load, and hysteretic (HYS)
diode-emulation at light load, assure high efficiency over a wide
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