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2017年7月9日(周日) 3500 筛一遍: 3500 会的,不会 233-20=213 = 210 / 7 = 30 20 + 30 = 50 50 + 30 = 80 80 + 30 = 110,140, 170, 200,230(233) 7天看完一遍 1000-3500 40分钟-1小时 计划没有变化快! 计划性学习 -》 任务型学习 60分钟:15 分钟闹钟 (1/4)30 (7.5 pages) 60分钟:20-30 分钟闹钟 (1/4)30 (7.5 pages) 30% 70% 7天看完一遍,脸熟, 7天 7月13日-8月13日一个月的时间:4遍 8月13日9月10日:3遍 deadline 截止日期:10月1日-7日(10月8日) 297-236=61(63)/ 7 = 9 考试词汇 名词性从句:同位语从句 / 定语从句 n + …分割 …conj + 句子 Occasion 时机 are quite rare _when_ the president has the time to spend a day with his kids.
 1-I think that you are right. (A) 2-I don’t know what you said. (A+B) 3-I like the girl who is beautiful. (A+B+C) 名词性从句(1/2)连词的功能最多是2个,而定语从句的连词只能是3 个功能。 A-连接 B-作成分 C-指代前面的名词 Occasion are quite rare _when_ the president has the time to spend a day with his kids.
 变形1:n + …分割 …conj + 句子 After graduation from the university she reached a point in her career _when/where/why_ she needed to decide what she should do. D where 定 I met the girl in the room where …. I don’t like the situation where many students quarrels loudly. 1-I like the students who are girls. 主 2-I like the students whose hair are long. 定 3-I like the book _whose_ cover is red. 定 4-I like the book the cover of which is red. the cover of 定/which 宾/the cover of which = 主 whose = the + n + of + which/whom 5-I like the students _who/that/whom_ ZX likes.宾(人) 6-I like the book _that/which_ DS likes. 宾(事物) 7-I like the room _where_ I can make a good presentation. 状 8-She is not the girl _that/who/whom_ she was. 表 profit 利润 / benefit 利益 beneficial adj 有好处的,有益的 good It is beneficial for me to do sth. profitable adj. 有利润的 decline 下滑,下降,委婉拒绝(refuse) seek 有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站 opportunity 机会(良机) 第二组: 1-Nick’s guests, _who_ had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. 2-Compared with staying in my hometown, I chose to leave for New York, _where_ I might have a better ch


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