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20 10, 11( 5) : 517-52 1 Journa l of P lant G enetic R esources 基于 SOA 的农作物种质资源调查信息系统研究 司海平, 方 沩, 唐 鹏, 曹永生 ( , 100081) : 在研究面向服务体系结构( SOA )基础上, 采用价值链分析方 识别了农作物种质资源调查服务域, 提出基于 SOA 的农作物种质资源调查信息系统体系结构参考模型, 详述了参考模型的层次结构, 定义了各 个服务模块功能该参考模型为 系统进一步编码和实现奠定了基础 : 面向服务体系架构; 农作物; 种质资源; 调查 Research of Crop Germplasm Resources Investigation Information System Based on SOA S H a-i ping, FANG W e,i TANG P eng, CAO Yong-sheng (Institu te of Crop Sc iences, Ch inese A cademy of Ag r icultural Sc iences, B e ij ing 10008 1 ) Abstract: C rop germ plasm resources investiga tion is the basis of germ p lasm resourcesm anagem en t. Based on the ana lysis of the features of serv ice-oriented arch itecture( SOA ), the serv ices dom a in in crop germ p lasm resources invest igat ion w ere iden tif ied by the va lue chain analysis and the reference m odel of SOA-based crop germ p lasm re- sources investigation inform ation system ( CGR S) w as proposed. T he hierarch ical structure of the reference mode l and the defin itions of each serv ice m odule functionsw ere described. T he reference m ode l la id the foundation for sys- tem further cod ing and mi plem entat ion. K ey words: SOA; Crop; G ermp lasm resources; nvestigation ( crop germ p lasm resources invest igation , inform ation system , CGR S) , , , 20 50 , , SOA , , SOA , [ 1] () , , SOA [ 2] W 3C ( w orld w idew


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