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24 7 Vol. 24, No. 7 2004 7 ACT A ECOLOGICA SINICA Jul. , 2004 郑荣泉, 鲍毅新* ( , 321004) : , DNA , 20 , : ; ; Study methods and procedures for ungulate food habits * ZHENG Rong-Quan, BA O Yi-Xin ( Colleg e of Chemistry and L if e Sc ience, Zhej iang N or mal Univer sity, J inhua 321004, China) .Acta Ecologica Sini ca , 2004, 24( 7) : 15 215 9. : : , Abstract The diet composition of Ungulates can be examined in a variety of w ays direct observation of the animals utilizat ion , , . method analysis of the rumen content fecal analysis or fecal DNA analysis All met hods are likely to yield some valuable , . information but they also each have their theoretical and practical benefits and drawbacks Direct observat ion of the animals is a simple and inexpensive method to determ ine w hich plants are important in the diet composit ion, but it is difficult w ith shy animals or in unsurveyable terrain, without the use of special equipment. The utilization method provides little dist urbance for t he animals, but it is difficult to dist inguish betw een related species. Furthermore, feeding traces can not be recognized for all plants and they quickly disappear during the grow ing season. Before the 1970 s, analysis of rumen cont ent s w as t he most common method for studying food habits. How ever, this method requires a good know ledge of plan


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