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华西口腔医学杂志 第26 卷 第6 期 2008 年12 月 · · 626 West China Journal of Stomatology Vol.26 No.6 Dec.2008 [文章编号] 1000-1182 (2008)06-0626-04 根管内器械分离后行旁路根管治疗的临床评价 黎远皋, 王继朝, 周 欣 (北京大学第三医院 口腔科, 北京 100083) [摘要] 目的 观察根管内器械分离患牙行旁路根管治疗后的临床疗效。方法 选择32颗根管内器械分离不能完 全取出的患牙为试验组,采用从分离器械旁建立通路到达根尖的方法进行根管预备和充填;同时选择器械分离后 不能取出也不能行旁路根管治疗的患牙13颗为对照组,未发生器械分离的常规根管治疗患牙30颗为常规治疗组。 观察3组患牙2年后的临床疗效并进行评价。结果 试验组2年后回访牙数25颗,根管治疗成功率为80.00% ;对照组 2年后回访牙数11颗,成功率为36.36% ;2组失败病例均为器械分离发生在根尖1/3处的患牙。常规治疗组2年后回 访牙数22颗,成功率为90.91%。结论 旁路根管治疗法是器械分离后进行根管治疗的一种可行和有效的方法。 [关键词] 器械分离;根管治疗;疗效评价 [中图分类号] R781.05 [文献标识码] A Clinical evaluation on the root canal therapy bypassing intracanal separated instruments LI Yuan -gao, , . ( 100083, WANG Ji-chao ZHOU Xin Dept. of Stomatology, The Third Hospital of Peking University, Beijing Chi- na) [Abstract] Objective To study and evaluate the clinical effect of root canal therapy bypassing intracanal separated instruments. Methods 32 teeth were selected as the test group, from which the intracanal separated instruments couldn′t be taken out, adopted the method of root canal preparation and obturation bypassing broken instruments. Meanwhile, 13 teeth were selected as the control group, in which the fractured instruments couldn ′t be taken out from root canal, and not be cured bypassing broken instruments. 30 teeth were selected as the conventional therapy group, in which the instruments were not fractured, the routine root canal therapy were adopted. The clinical efficacy of three groups were observed and evaluated through periapical index and clinical examination two years later. Results After two years, 25 te


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