格雷母线位移检测系统简述 - Global Sources.PDF

格雷母线位移检测系统简述 - Global Sources.PDF

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格雷母线位移检测系统简述 - Global Sources

ADD: No. 18 Changnao Industry Park, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China Tel: 0086-373-3088011 Fax: 0086-373-3058326 Web: http:// E-mail: sale08@ 格雷母线位移检测系统简述 格雷母线位移检测系统以相互靠近的扁平状的格雷母线和天线箱之间的电磁耦合来进行位置 检测和数据通信,它是一种非常成熟的非接触绝对位置检测和数据通信传感器, 该传感器主要 由四大部分构成:格雷母线、天线箱、地址编码发生器、地址解码器。格雷母线类似一把有 刻度的标尺,天线箱类似指针,指针指向的刻度即是当前位置值,无需初始参考点,定位精 度 5 毫米,可以断续或连续检测,尤其适用于轨道不平整的大车或环形运动机械位移检测, 一般将格雷母线铺设在轨道边, 天线箱固定在移动机车上,可以在车上或地上得到位移量, 地址信息可以通过自身感应或数传电台、信号拖缆进行传输。一条格雷母线可以供多台移动 设备使用,而且长度可依工程需要而定,多根格雷母线可拼接。防水、防油、防尘、耐酸碱, 理论上无寿命极限,可以用在冶金、水利、港口码头堆场、有色金属、石化等条件比较恶劣 的环境。 Grey Busbar Displacement Detection System (GBDDS) Introduction Grey Busbar Displacement Detection System (GBDDS) uses flat Grey bus bar and electromagnetic coupling between antenna boxes to detect, locate and communicate data. Its a very mature non-contact absolute position detection data communication sensor technology. It consists of four parts: Grey Busbar, Antenna Boxes, Address Code Generator and Address Decoder. Grey Busbar likes a ruler with scale, Antenna Boxes similar to pointer, pointer location is the current position. No need to set original reference point. It has a five millimeter location accuracy, able to do make-and-break or continuous detection, especially for uneven rail or circular motion location detection. Generally, Grey Busbar is installed beside the rail, Antenna Boxes fixed on crane. Position value can be received on ground or crane. Address information can be transferred via own sensor, data radio or signal cable. One Grey Busbar can used on multiple movable machines and the length can be designed by project requirement. Several pieces of Grey Busbar can be connected together. With the performances of water-proof, grease-proof, dust-proof and anti-erode, it has no theoretical life cycle, widely used for severe environments like metallurgy, hydraulic engineering, open-pit mi


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