浙江安吉JW万豪酒店JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji - ILTMcom.PDF

浙江安吉JW万豪酒店JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji - ILTMcom.PDF

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浙江安吉JW万豪酒店JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji - ILTMcom

浙江安吉JW万豪酒店 JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji 安吉在哪里? Where is Zhejiang Anji JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji 浙江安吉JW 万豪酒店 安吉在哪里? Where is Zhejiang Anji • 地处长三角经济圈几何中心,是长三角最具投资价值县。 A famous regional tourist destination in Yangtze River Delta, approximately one hour’s drive from Hangzhou city center, and two hours and a quarter’s drive from Shanghai city center. • 超过1800年历史的古老县城 Historical county with over 1800 years culture. • 生态环境优美宜居,境内“七山一水二分田”,翠竹绵延,植被覆 盖率75% ,森林覆盖率71% 。 An ecological environment for living, with miles and miles of bamboo, and vegetation coverage rate of 75%, the forest coverage rate of 71%. • 三大特色产业“竹业、茶业和椅业”构成安吉三张名片 Renowned for the nickname as Hometown of White Tea and Bamboo, and also famous for its furniture industry. JW酒店在哪里? Where is the JW hotel located JW酒店在哪里? Where is the JW hotel located • 酒店坐落于安吉县凤凰国际高尔夫球俱乐部内,距离安吉县中心5分 钟车程。 The Hotel is located at the Phoenix International Golf Course and is expected to enjoy beautiful golf course and mountain views. It is approximately five minutes’ drive to Anji county center. • 酒店距离杭长高速公路2分钟车程,该公路是连接安吉和杭州的主干 道。 The Hotel also enjoys good accessibility, 2mins driving from the exit of Hangzhou-Changxing Highway, the major connecting of Anji and Hangzhou. • 酒店距离安吉各个旅游景点如安吉竹博园均在半小时车程内,同时 只需要5分钟车程即可到达中国第一个Hello Kitty主题公园。 Hotel is within a half hour drive to the most popular places of interest in Anji such as Bamboo Exposition Park, and only 5 minutes driving to the first Hello Kitty Theme Park in China. 浙江安吉JW万豪酒店 JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji 浙江安吉JW万豪酒店 JW Marriott Hotel Zhejiang Anji • 228间风格典雅奢华设施设备齐全的客房以及套房。 228 well equipment elegant stylish g


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