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广东农业科学 2014 年第 1 期 67 海拉尔东山达乌尔黄鼠洞穴结构与利用 邓庆华 李淑英 呼伦贝尔学院生命科学与化学学院袁内蒙古呼伦贝尔 021008 冤 摘要 2011 年 5耀10 月在内蒙古呼伦贝尔市海拉尔东山,对达乌尔黄鼠的12 个未哺乳达乌尔黄鼠洞穴进行挖 掘和测量遥 结果显示院达乌尔黄鼠洞穴有临时洞 夏季洞冤和居住洞 冬眠洞冤两种袁洞穴的洞口 向一般为西北或东 北方向遥 临时洞的结构较简单袁多数只有一个洞口曰冬眠洞的结构较复杂袁冬眠洞的洞口光滑袁洞口宽度一般为 6耀9 cm 袁洞口近处的洞道斜向下方袁然后急转向下袁近乎垂直袁接着斜行一段入巢遥 洞穴深度多为 90耀100 cm 袁洞穴总长为 110耀126 cm 袁分叉较少袁洞道中部的巢穴形状扁平袁巢穴中絮有碎草尧塑料尧泡沫等遥 巢穴附近有厕所袁大多数达乌尔 黄鼠洞穴有盲洞袁盲洞位于离洞口30耀60 cm 处遥 关键词 达乌尔黄鼠曰洞穴曰结构 中图分类号院S764.5 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X 2014冤01-0067-04 The structure and exploitation of Citellus dauricus caves in Hailar East Mountain DENG Qing-hua袁LI Shu-ying (Life Sc ie nce and Chemistry Departme nt 袁 Hulunbuir College 袁 Hulunbuir 021008, China) A bstract: From May to October in 2011, the caves of twelve non-breeding Citellus dauricus were dug and measured in Hailar East Mountain in Hulunbuir city of Inner Mongolia. T he results were as follows: the caves of Cite llus dauricus were classified into two categories, namely temporary holes (summer holes) and live holes (hibernation holes) . The entrance direction of the caves was towards the northwest or northeast. Temporary hole in structure was simple and maj ority of temporary holes only had one entrance, w hile hibernation hole in structure was more complex and the entrance of hibernation holes was smooth. The mean w idth of the entrances of hibernation holes was usually from 6 to 9 cm. T he tunnels near the cave entrance slanted to the below , and turned sharply dow nward, almost vertical, and then slanted a distance till into the nest. The mean



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