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10 2 . 10 . 2 Vo l N o 2003 6 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation Jun . , 200 3 孔繁 德 ( , 066004 : , , , , ; , : ; ; ; ; : S 157: A : 1005-3409( 2003 02-0052-03 Characteristics, Formative Cause of Soil and Water Loss in North Mountain Area of Qinhuangdao and Controlling Measures K ON G Fan-de ( Ch ina E nv ir onmental M anag ement Colleg e , Q inhuang dao 066004 , H e bei , Ch ina Abstract: Soil and w ater loss is sever e in no rt h mountain ar ea of Qinhuangdao City , and landslides and debr is flow fr equently occur mo stly o n t he so uth slo pes, especially in flo oding per io d becau se of to pog raphy, r ock , climate and human activ ities . In or der to pro tect ecolog y in this ar ea , some measur es, such a s closing the land fo r r efor estatio n , r eturning the g rain plots t o for estr y and enclosing sheep etc. , are adopted . Key words : Q inhuang dao ; so il and w ater loss; key eco lo gical ar ea; closing the land fo r refo restat ion ; ret ur ning the gr ain plots to for est ry 50 % , 60 % 1 2 , 2. 4 8 km/ km 2 , , 7 8 12 km , 276 2 , , 200500 t / km , 2 500 / 2 , t km , ,



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