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弹性城市目标下的绵阳市朝阳片区城市更新改造设计初探 An Exploration into the Renovation and Design of Chaoyang district in Sichuan Province Based on Resilient City 摘要:城市的发展经常会伴随着不同程度的自然、社会灾害的出现,在危机来临时如何保持自身发展的活力,是现代城市设计者应该思考的一个重要问题。绵阳市朝阳片区的城市发展正面临着这些问题,因此采用弹性城市设计理论对其改造设计。文章首先简述了国外弹性城市研究的四个领域,生态弹性、经济弹性、社会弹性和工程弹性及其概念;其次从朝阳片区自身特点出发,论述了弹性城市设计的必要性和潜力;最后根据弹性城市相关理论拟定朝阳片区弹性城市设计策略与方法框架,以指导其更新改造设计,文章分别从生态、经济、社会和工程四个方面探讨朝阳片区弹性城市设计的相关策略:即维护生态系统完整、优化片区产业结构、完善防灾功能配置和增强基础设施建设。通过理论与实践相结合的研究方式发现弹性城市理论能够较好地引导旧城更新改造设计,从而实现安全与稳定的弹性城市目标。 关键词:弹性城市;朝阳片区;更新改造;可持续发展 Abstract: The urban development is often beset with problems like natural and social disasters. Therefore, it is crucial for modern urban designers to think about how to maintain the impetus of urban development in face of crisis. The Chaoyang district of Mianyang city in Sichuan province is a case in point. The paper in the first place reviews the four aspects on international resilient urban research of ecology, economy, society and engineering; besides, based on the characteristics of Chaoyang district, the paper delves into the necessity and potential of resilient urban design; Finally, under the theory of resilient city, the strategies and methods framework for the Renovation and Design of Chaoyang district is Formulated. They conclude with the renovation and design strategies of Chaoyang district from the above mentioned four aspects: Maintaining the integrity of ecosystems, optimizing the industrial structure, improving disaster preparedness feature configuration, and enhancing infrastructure. The theory of resilient city can be used to guide the renovation design of urban renewal, through the research on the combination of theory and practice, to create safe and stable city. Key words: resilient city; Chaoyang district; renovation and design strategies; sustainable development 引言 近年来,我国自然灾害频发,每一次灾难的发生都会给城市带来严重的破坏,在感叹城市毁坏与亲人离去的同时,我们更应该反思城市在面对这些灾难时究竟能发挥什么作用,是被动承受,还是积极适应并减缓灾难以保证人民的生命财产安全。城市在面临外来冲击时,经常表现出极大的脆弱性,因此城市如何在重重挑战与危机中,面对各种变化依然保持自身的发展活力,就成为一个


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